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There Is No Protection For The Work Safety Fishermen

Rohmah who are still sitting transfixed at the front door of his house, still staring at the ocean waiting for his husband with his favorite blue sea boat while waving at him saying “bro, I brought lots of fish”. But apparently it was only his imagination. For more than 2 weeks, her husband has not returned home. Rohmah does not know what happened to her husband, usually her husband always comes home 3x a day from fishing. but it’s not been back in 2 weeks. Rohmah has asked her husband’s fellow fishermen, no one has seen her husband or his ship. Even her husband’s boss could not help looking for her husband’s news “You just imagine the ocean is so wide, how can we know your husband where with our limitations we have,” said Pak Darsa, her husband’s boss. So many allegations approached the mind of the spirit, or whether her husband was stranded and could not go home, or maybe her husband had been lost in the middle of the sea and eaten by sharks, all these allegations continue to think of him, but still no one was able to confirm the actual situation. 

Rohmah only married her husband about 3 years ago, she was very young when she married her husband. He was only 16 years old at the time. Rohmah is not yet blessed with a child, but she feels very happy with her husband. Even though her life is mediocre, her husband always gives attention and affection to her. Every husband goes to sea rohmah always feels anxious because the sea is so scary to be a job, according to her life and death are always placed when her husband goes to sea. Every time Rohmah expresses her concern and tells her husband to look for another job, her husband always assures her that nothing will happen. But this time what was feared by Rohmah happened. He did not know where to complain about this incident and asked for protection for what happened to him. 

Rohmah husband is a fisherman who was also born into a fishing family. His family used to live moving from one beach to another. So their status is not clear as a citizen. Likewise Rohma’s husband, her husband does not have an identity card as a citizen or a worker card as a fisherman. Because the fishermen in this village do not have a clear status. Unlike the fishermen on the island of Java, some of which have started to have fishing cards so that if something happens to them, there will be insurance that will protect their families. Rohma also called her parents in the village. Tells the condition of his brother who did not go home. His mother and father were so worried and sad especially about the condition of Rohma who is currently living alone. 

Rohma ventured to go to the city to the fisheries and marine services to complain about the condition of her husband who had been missing for nearly 3 weeks. He demanded the justice of her husband as a human being and a worker in the fisheries sector so that there was an effort to search. Rohma felt sincere if her husband was gone. But he still wants a clarity, he still hopes that her husband is still alive and may currently be stranded on an island or run out of gas in the middle of the sea. For Rohma all the possibilities are still there and she wants help for her husband from the regional fisheries and marine services. But apparently the results were zero, again Rohma was asked about the identity of her husband and her husband was not registered as a resident of this village and also fishermen from this village. Rohma wept bitterly over the condition where no one cared about her husband. As a small fishing family, Rohma felt that there was no justice for her and her husband. 

That is the condition of fishermen in Indonesia, the majority of which do not yet have an identity card as their protection in undergoing work as a fisherman. Not because of negligent fishermen but also because of the application of regulations in each different region, and complicated bureaucracy. So that fishermen are not educated on the importance of identity cards and work safety. For this reason the application of fishermen from Ledgernow will help the fishing community to obtain an identity and protection for the safety of its work in the ocean. And also will provide assistance in the form of large boats that can be used in unison to increase the productivity of fishermen. To find out more about Ledgernow please visit the following link

er husband has not returned home. Rohmah does not know what happened to her husband. As a fisherman’s wife, of course, worry will continue to come when the husband goes to sea. Many things are worried about, moreover there is no guarantee that guarantees when fishermen are at sea. But this can be overcome by the application of fishermen from Ledgernow that will help the fishing community to obtain an identity and protect their safety at sea. Let’s find out more information at 

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Tidak Ada Perlindungan Atas Keselamatan Kerja Nelayan

Rohmah yang masih duduk terpaku di depan pintu rumahnya, masih terus menatap kelautan menunggu suami nya dengan kapal biru laut kesayangannya sembari melambaikan tangan ke arahnya dengan mengatakan “dik, aku bawa banyak ikan”. Namun ternyata itu hanya imajinasinya saja. Sudah lebih dari 2 minggu suaminya tidak pulang-pulang ke rumah. Rohmah tidak tau apa yang terjadi dengan suaminya, biasanya suaminya selalu pulang 3x sehari dari melaut. tapi ini sudah 2 minggu tidak kembali. Rohmah sudah menanyakan kepada teman-teman suaminya sesama nelayan, tidak ada satupun yang melihat suaminya ataupun kapalnya. Bahkan bos suaminya pun tidak dapat membantu untuk mencari kabar suaminya “kamu bayangkan saja lautan ini begitu luas, gimana caranya kita bisa tau suami mu dimana dengan keterbatasan kami yang kami punya” celetuk pak darsa bos suaminya. Begitu banyak dugaan-dugaan menghampiri pikiran rohmah, ataukah suaminya terdampar dan tidak bisa pulang, atau mungkin suaminya sudah hilang di tengah laut dan di makan ikan hiu, semua dugaan itu terus terpikirkan olehnya, namun tetap saja tidak ada yang mampu mengkonfirmasi keadaan yang sebenarnya. 

Rohmah baru menikah dengan suaminya sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu, ia masih sangat muda saat menikah dengan suaminya. Umurnya baru 16 tahun saat itu. Rohmah memang belum dikaruniai seorang anak, namun ia merasa sangat bahagia dengan suaminya. Meskipun hidupnya pas-pasan tetapi suaminya selalu memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang kepadanya. Setiap suaminya pergi melaut rohmah selalu merasa cemas karena laut begitu menyeramkan untuk menjadi pekerjaan, menurutnya hidup dan mati selalu ditaruhkan saat suaminya pergi melaut. Setiap Rohmah menyampaikan kekhawatirannya dan menyuruh suaminya mencari pekerjaan yang lain, suaminya selalu meyakinkannya bahwa tidak akan terjadi apa-apa. Namun saat ini apa yang ditakutkan oleh Rohmah terjadi. Ia tidak tahu harus kemana mengadu kejadian ini dan meminta perlindungan atas kejadian yang ditimpa olehnya. 

Suami rohmah merupakan nelayan yang juga lahir dari keluarga nelayan. Keluarganya sudah biasa hidup berpindah-pindah dari satu pantai ke pantai lainnya. Sehingga status mereka kan tidak jelas sebagai warga negara. Begitu pula suami rohma, suaminya tidak memiliki kartu identitas sebagai warga negara maupun kartu pekerja sebagai nelayan. Karena nelayan di desa ini memang tidak memiliki status yang jelas. Berbeda dengan nelayan-nelayan di pulau jawa yang beberapa sudah mulai memiliki kartu nelayan sehingga jika sesuatu terjadi pada mereka, akan ada asuransi yang akan melindungi keluarganya. Rohma pun menelepon orang tuanya di kampung. Menceritakan kondisi mas nya yang tidak pulang-pulang. Ibu dan ayahnya begitu khawatir dan sedih terlebih mengenai kondisi Rohma yang kini sedang tinggal sendiri. 

Rohma memberanikan diri untuk pergi ke kota ke dinas perikanan dan kelautan untuk mengadu kondisi suaminya yang sudah hilang selama hampir 3 minggu ini. Ia menuntut keadilan suami nya sebagai manusia dan pekerja di sektor perikanan agar ada upaya untuk pencarian. Rohma sudah merasa ikhlas jika memang suaminya sudah tiada. Namun ia tetap menginginkan sebuah kejelasan, ia masih berharap kalau suaminya masih hidup dan mungkin saat ini sedang terdampar di suatu pulau ataupun kehabisan bensin di tengah laut. Bagi Rohma semua kemungkinan itu masih ada dan ia menginginkan adanya bantuan untuk suaminya dari dinas perikanan dan kelautan daerahnya. Namun ternyata hasilnya nihil, lagi-lagi Rohma ditanyakan mengenai identitas suaminya dan suaminya tidak terdaftar sebagai warga desa ini dan juga nelayan dari desa ini. Rohma pun menangis meratapi kesedihan akan kondisi dimana tidak ada satu orang pun yang peduli dengan suaminya. Sebagai keluarga nelayan kecil, Rohma merasa begitu tidak ada keadilan untuknya dan suaminya. 

Itulah kondisi nelayan di Indonesia yang mayoritas belum memiliki kartu identitas sebagai perlindungan mereka dalam menjalani pekerjaan sebagai nelayan. Bukan karena nelayan lalai namun juga karena penerapan peraturan setiap daerah yang berbeda-berada, serta birokrasi yang rumit. Sehingga nelayan tidak teredukasi akan pentingnya kartu identitas dan keselamatan kerja. Untuk itu aplikasi nelayan dari Ledgernow akan membantu masyarakat nelayan untuk mendapatkan identitas dan perlindungan atas keselamatan kerjanya di lautan. Dan juga akan memberikan bantuan berupa kapal besar yang dapat digunakan secara berbarengan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas nelayan. Untuk tau lebih lengkap mengenai Ledgernow silahkan kunjungi link berikut

Sudah lebih dari 2 minggu suaminya tidak pulang-pulang ke rumah. Rohmah tidak tau apa yang terjadi dengan suaminya. Sebagai seorang istri nelayan tentu saja rasa khawatir akan terus datang ketika sang suami melaut. Banyak hal yang dikhawatirkan, apalagi tidak ada perlindungan yang menjamin ketika nelayan berada di laut. Tapi hal itu dapat diatasi dengan aplikasi nelayan dari Ledgernow akan membantu masyarakat nelayan untuk mendapatkan identitas dan perlindungan atas keselamatan kerjanya di lautan. Yuk cari tau informasi selengkapnya di 

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Honesty In The ocean

How many months has Mr Aris been waiting for the famine season, but the weather still seems to be friendly to go to sea. 2 months of famine have already hit this coastal village. The faces of the fishermen are getting more and more chaotic because the savings for living expenses are already running low. Some try to find other jobs by becoming construction workers, oil palm workers, and some even force to go to sea with these very dangerous weather conditions. That’s how hard the life of fishermen who are so dependent on the season and weather. Pak Aris is just hanging out at home. Like confused about what to do. Occasionally he becomes a motorcycle taxi driver to take people to the city if there is a need. 

It’s almost 3 months the famine season has come it’s time this season is over. That day the gusts of wind and waves felt calmer and not noisy normally. This is a sign of the season of fish returning. The fishermen are busy preparing equipment to start fishing and fishing. Mr. Aris is one of the most eager to go to sea tomorrow. He prepared trawlers and other tools to take many fishes tomorrow. When Mr. Aris went to sea, he met some of his friends. He greeted each other with a happy smile to welcome the long-awaited season. 

Today Mr. Aris just put his trawl in a few places that he used to put to be taken again the next day. When Mr. Aris checked the trawl the next day, how shocked he was to see the trawl disappear. He knew that was his main place that usually liked to be passed by the fish. Mr. Aris listlessly went on his boat to pick up and put down another trawl for him to take the next day. Aris pack quite a lot of fish collected. Only he was sad why there are people who could steal the trawl. This is indeed not the first time it has happened. The condition in the ocean is indeed no protection. Anyone can steal or damage it if he wants. What distinguishes it depends only on each person. Want to be honest and not harm others or vice versa. 

Pak Aris also deposited the fish in his collectors, and there were two of his friends there. “Get lots of fish today?” Asked his friend. “A little, I took the trawl” said Mr. Aris. “My trawl is also often taken, I also do not know who took it, this is the season for fish. There are lots of fish but there are still people who don’t want to try harder to get fish, “answered his friend. That is often a problem in the fishing world. There is no protection for the rights of others at sea because the ocean has no boundaries and no one owns it. However, this problem often becomes an unsolved problem because there is no precaution for the crime of fish theft at sea. The fisherman application from Ledgernow will help fishermen get justice and prevent crime because every trawler will be combined into one place where the site is bound by a net to prevent fishing theft. To find out more about ledgernow, please visit the following link


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Kejujuran di Lautan

Sudah berapa bulan pak Aris menunggu musim paceklik usai, namun cuaca terlihat masih belum bersahabat untuk pergi melaut. 2 bulan musim paceklik sudah melanda desa pesisir ini. Muka para nelayan semakin hari semakin kalut karena simpanan untuk biaya hidup sudah semakin menipis. Ada yang mencoba mencari pekerjaan lain dengan menjadi buruh bangunan, buruh sawit, bahkan ada yang memaksa melaut dengan kondisi cuaca yang sangat berbahaya ini. Begitulah kerasnya kehidupan nelayan yang begitu bergantung dengan musim dan cuaca. Pak Aris hanya luntang lantung di rumah. Seperti bingung mau ngapain. Sesekali ia menjadi tukang ojek untuk mengantarkan orang ke kota jika ada keperluan. 

Sudah hampir 3 bulan musim paceklik tiba sudah saatnya musim ini telah usai.  Hari itu hembusan angin dan ombak terasa lebih tenang tidak berisik biasanya. Inilah pertanda musim ikan kembali tiba. Para nelayan sibuk mempersiapkan perlengkapan untuk mulai melaut dan dan mencari ikan. Pak Aris salah satunya yang paling bersemangat untuk pergi melaut esok hari. Ia menyiapkan pukat dan alat-alat lainnya untuk mengambil ikan yang banyak esok hari. Saat pak Aris pergi melaut, ia bertemu dengan beberapa teman-temannya. Ia saling menyapa satu sama lain dengan senyum sumringah menyambut musim yang di tunggu-tunggu ini. 

Hari ini pak Aris hanya menaruh pukatnya di beberapa tempat yang biasa ia letakkan untuk diambil lagi keesokan harinya. Saat pak Aris mengecek pukatnya keesokkan harinya, betapa kagetnya ia melihat pukatnya hilang. Ia tahu itu adalah tempat andalannya yang biasanya suka di lewati ikan-ikan. Dengan lesu pak Aris pergi melaju dengan kapalnya untuk mengambil dan meletakkan lagi pukat lainnya untuk ia ambil keesokan harinya. ikan pak Aris terkumpul lumayan banyak. Hanya ia sedih kenapa ada orang yang bisa-bisanya mencuri pukatnya. Hal ini memang bukan satu kali terjadi. Kondisi di lautan memang tidak ada perlindungan siapapun bisa mencuri atau merusak jika ia menginginkannya. Yang membedakannya hanya tergantung pribadi masing-masing. Ingin berbuat jujur dan tidak merugikan orang lain atau sebaliknya. 

Pak Aris pun menyetorkan ikannya ke pengepulnya, terlihat ada kedua temannya juga disana. “banyak dapat ikan hari ini?” tanya temannya. “sedikit, pukat saya diambil orang” jawab pak Aris. “pukat saya juga sering diambil, saya juga tidak tau siapa yang ambil, beginilah kalo lagi musim ikan. Ikan emang banyak tapi tetap saja ada orang-orang yang tidak mau berusaha lebih supaya dapatkan ikan” jawab temannya. Hal itu kerap menjadi masalah di dunia perikanan. Tidak ada perlindungan atas hak orang lain di laut karena lautan tidak ada batasan dan tidak ada yang memiliki. Namun hal ini kerap menjadi masalah yang tak terselesaikan karena tidak ada tindak pencegahan atas kriminalitas pencurian ikan di laut. Aplikasi nelayan dari Ledgernow akan membantu nelayan mendapatkan keadilan dan pencegahan tindak kriminalitas karena setiap nelayan pukat akan digabungkan ke dalam satu tempat dimana tempat tersebut terikat oleh jaring untuk pencegahan atas pencurian ikan. Untuk tau lebih lanjut mengenai ledgernow bisa kunjungi link berikut

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Old Age Is No Longer The Same

Pak faith is so valued in his environment. He is a senior fisherman who has sailed everywhere. There are already 10 coastal villages that have been visited to live moving from one place to another. He spends his time as a fisherman and fishing. He moved to find a better livelihood. But in fact he had wandered everywhere, his fate still never get a change. Stay mediocre and keep going through the same things. In the past Mr. Faith had gotten a boss who was comfortable in providing help and was not arbitrary. But his boss had to move back to his hometown and his fish collectors’ businesses were held by his brother who had a different treatment from the boss he had before. 

Here the age of the faith pack is getting older, the children are already big and have a new family. The work of their children is the same as a fisherman. Some moved to other areas and some still live with one roof. Being a fisherman is a choice from the faith pack to survive with his wife. Similarly, children who are still living barely. There is no other choice for him to stop fishing even though he is very old. Pak iman has reached 68 years old at this time. But he looks still so physically strong because he used to work hard while at sea, even he was accustomed to hit rain and storm in the ocean. But in fact his soul is old. Pak iman has often coughed and felt headaches because of the high blood pressure he suffered. But every day the pack of faith tries to restrain it all by assuming that this is just an ordinary illness, and still goes to sea. 

Look pale and tired on his face, in order to make a living he must continue to work for his children and grandchildren so they can be safe and can meet all their needs in the midst of increasingly rising prices of goods. Not to mention that school fees are also increasingly expensive. Pak faith’s wife is also the same, he usually used to process fish to be a side dish for a wedding or other salvation event. It’s just that since it’s already old, Mr. Faith’s wife is no longer able to sit for long and is exposed to firewood smoke to cook for a long time, so many orders are often rejected by him. The low level of welfare of fishermen makes fishermen must continue to work without stopping to support themselves and their families. Such is the condition that afflicts elderly fishermen, such as Pak faith. There is no word of retirement as a fisherman. 

This problem makes a problem that has no solution if the welfare of fishermen is not improved. With this application, fishermen from Ledgernow are here to improve the economy of fishermen so that fishermen can grow into independent fishermen with more optimal income. To find out more about Ledgernow please visit the following link To prepare fishermen to be productive in their old age Pureheart will help provide expertise in the form of training for fishing families to be productive in making food preparations from fish. And it also teaches fishermen to be able to scale up businesses into collectors, etc. To know more details about pureheart please visit the following link.

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Masa Tua Tak Lagi Sama

Pak iman begitu dihargai di lingkungannya. Ia merupakan nelayan senior yang sudah berlayar kemana-mana. Sudah ada 10 desa pesisir yang sudah disinggahi untuk hidup berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Ia menghabiskan waktunya sebagai nelayan dan mencari ikan. Ia berpindah-pindah untuk mencari penghidupan yang lebih baik. Namun nyatanya ia sudah berkelana kemanapun tetap saja nasibnya tidak kunjung mendapatkan perubahan. Tetap pas-pasan dan tetap terus melalui hal-hal yang sama. Dulu pak iman pernah mendapatkan bos yang enak dalam memberikan bantuan dan tidak semena-mena. Namun bos nya harus pindah pulang ke kampung halamannya dan usaha pengepul ikan miliknya di pegang oleh saudaranya yang mempunyai perlakuan berbeda dari pak bos ia sebelumnya. 

Sini usia pak iman sudah semakin tua, anak-anaknya sudah besar-besar dan memiliki keluarga baru. Pekerjaan anak-anaknya pun sama berprofesi sebagai nelayan juga. Ada yang pindah ke daerah lain dan ada pula yang masih tinggal satu atap dengannya. Berprofesi sebagai nelayan adalah pilihan pak iman untuk bertahan hidup bersama istrinya. Begitu pula anak-anak yang masih hidup pas-pasan. Tidak ada pilihan lain untuk ia harus berhenti melaut meskipun usianya sudah sangat tua. Pak iman sudah menginjak umur 68 tahun saat ini. Namun ia terlihat masih  begitu kuat secara fisik karena sudah biasa bekerja keras saat melaut bahkan ia sudah terbiasa menerjang hujan dan badai di lautan. Namun sesungguhnya jiwanya sudah renta. Pak iman sudah sering batuk-batuk dan merasakan sakit kepala karena darah tinggi yang dideritanya. Tapi setiap hari pak iman berusaha menahan itu semua dengan menganggap ini cuman sakit biasa, dan tetap pergi melaut. 

Terlihat pucat pasih dan letih di wajahnya, demi menyambung hidup ia harus terus bekerja untuk anak cucu nya supaya bisa aman dan dapat tercukupi segala kebutuhannya di tengah-tengah harga barang yang semakin lama semakin naik ini. Belum lagi biaya sekolah juga semakin mahal. Istri pak iman pun juga sudah sama, ia biasanya dulu buat pengolahan ikan untuk jadi makanan lauk pauk untuk acara nikahan ataupun selamatan lainnya. Hanya saja semenjak sudah renta istri pak iman sudah tidak kuat lagi duduk lama-lama dan terkena asap kayu bakar untuk memasak lama-lama, jadi banyak orderan yang sering ditolak olehnya. Rendahnya tingkat kesejahteraan nelayan membuat nelayan harus terus bekerja tanpa stop untuk menghidupi dirinya dan keluarga. Begitulah kondisi yang menimpa nelayan yang sudah lanjut usia seperti pak iman. Tidak ada kata pensiun sebagai nelayan. 

Masalah ini menjadikan masalah yang tidak ada solusinya jika kesejahteraan nelayan tidak ditingkatkan. Dengan ini aplikasi nelayan dari Ledgernow hadir untuk meningkatkan perekonomian nelayan agar nelayan dapat tumbuh menjadi nelayan yang mandiri dengan pendapatan yang lebih optimal. Untuk tau lebih lengkap mengenai Ledgernow silahkan kunjungi link berikut Untuk mempersiapkan para nelayan dapat produktif di masa tuanya pureheart akan membantu memberikan keahlian berupa pelatihan kepada keluarga nelayan agar dapat produktif membuat olahan makanan dari ikan. Dan juga mengajarkan nelayan untuk bisa scale up bisnis menjadi pengepul, dsb. Untuk tau lebih detail mengenai pureheart silahkan kunjungi link berikut.

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Fishing For Trash in The Ocean

Mr. Jajang is a fisherman who lives in one of the coastal villages on the island of Sulawesi. He pitted his fortune as a fisherman to support his wife and children. He lives in a coastal village where the majority of the people do work as fishermen. Pak jajang is a fishing fisherman who is looking for grouper in the coral reef sea. Pak jajang chose to fish for grouper because the selling point is quite high. Grouper fish can be valued up to 130,000-150,000 / kg. And even then depends on the types again. There are several types of grouper that can be priced at a higher price. This village is indeed famous for having many types of grouper fish that live in it. So that is what makes the pack jajang survive and are comfortable being a grouper fishing, 3-5 fish that he got was already comparable to the price of many fish he can use bubu. 

Every day Mr. Jajang goes to sea for 2 days and rests at home for 1 day. And so on the life of Mr. Jajang as a fisherman. That day Mr. Jajang went to sea as usual with a fishing rod, flashlight, bait, and food supplies for two days while he was at sea. When he reached the middle of the sea he began to stretch out his fishing rod and the bait he had prepared. While he waited for his bait to be eaten by the fish he started playing the radio. The sky had begun to dim and the sun seemed to have begun to set and left a ray of light that was increasingly disappearing. Only one fish has been caught, jajang. “The fish are still in the nap time, yeah,” he thought to himself. Soon he raises his hook and is surprised that there is a plastic bag around his hook. “It’s natural that the bait won’t eat, it turns out there is this plastic covering” grumbled Mr. Jajang. He also removed the plastic from his fishing rod. 

A few months back, Mr. Jajang had often gotten plastic stuck to his hook. This has made him even more disturbed because it causes the fewer fish he can get. Not long after he felt his fishing line was so heavy, he immediately raised his fishing rod and how shocked he was to see a lump of cans, wires and plastics that stuck to his hook. again he grumbled why so many of these useless items were at sea, which made it difficult for him to fish and get fish. When he released the can he accidentally saw the can, it said ‘Manado Beach’, he suddenly remembered the can fish that his brother had brought from Manado when he stopped by his house a year ago. His can looks exactly the same and he thinks if it’s a can he threw away a year ago.

When he returned home, Mr. Jajang brought 2 fish from the bait. His wife also asked where the other fishes were, suddenly Mr. Jajang showed me a pile of cans and plastics on his boat while saying “the fish have changed with the rubbish”. Surprised, Mr. Jajang’s wife saw the trash and threw it in the trash. Trash is indeed sharing space with creatures in the ocean. It is even unexpected that we can meet again with the garbage that we threw away years ago in the ocean. As a result this causes damage to the underwater ecosystem. Coral reefs which become habitat for reef fishes become damaged and fish begin to move and look for new places. But where will they get their new habitat if all the oceans in Indonesia show the same conditions. 

The fisherman application from Ledgernow will help fishermen to be able to change their mindset and habits in order to protect their marine wealth by maintaining cleanliness and the environment. So that the marine ecosystem is not disturbed by the rubbish that they throw carelessly. In addition, fishermen will also be provided with larger vessels so that fishermen can catch more fish. To find out more about Ledgernow, please visit the following link

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Maluku’s Sea Cucumber Delicacy

Entering the holiday season Adit, Gilang, and Sarah spend their vacation to visit  the island of Ambon. According to them Ambon Island is rarely used as a tourist choice for the people, and they want to visit it to feel a more challenging vacation. 

On Ambon Island, Adit, Gilang and Sarah lived in the house of Sarah’s aunt who had been living there for a long time in Ambon following her husband. By using accommodation from his aunt, their vacation budget becomes more efficient. Auntie Sri is often visiting tourist attractions in Maluku, so that their vacation becomes easier by following the recommendations places from auntie Sri. Mostly aunty Sri recommend a lot of beaches that are still very beautiful to visit but also very aesthetic to take pictures. In fact, they have to make a long list of trips to visit all the tourist recommendations. 

In addition to tourist sites, the thing that is highly anticipated is to try the sea cucumber culinary cuisine that is rarely recognized by the city community. Sea cucumber is a marine animal that looks worm-like but turns out to be very good for health. Aunt Sri said that city children should taste these foods to prevent diseases from junk food which is often consumed. 

The first time they saw the shape of Sea Cucumbers, they were frightened and disgusted with this one animal. The shape is indeed very unpleasant, but who would have thought if it has been processed properly will create extraordinary tastes. Aunty Sri indeed often ordered Sea cucumbers for her and her family for daily consumption, so they too tasted this one sea animal. 

Aunt Sri is a housewife, so she is diligent in making delicious new recipes. This time he served stir-fried sea cucumbers, and fatty vegetable sea cucumbers, in fact many other dishes he prepared, but the main menu served was processed sea cucumber food. Aunt Sri is very eager to wait for the response of Adit, Gilang and Sarah for their first try of sea cucumbers. 

Sarah was initially hesitant to taste it, she was still shadowed by the shape of the Sea Cucumber before. Adit who felt reluctant to the spirit of auntie Sri who had bothered to serve food immediately tried to taste stir-fried sea cucumbers with a spoonful of rice. Adit’s response turned out to be unexpected by his two friends, he immediately took many sea cucumbers into his plate, he suggested his friend to taste it without imagining its shape. Adit said that sea cucumbers do not have a disgusting distinctive taste, the texture is like a mushroom that is chewy and delicious coupled with spices stir cooking aunt Sri. Gilang and Sarah ventured to taste the sea cucumbers, and it is true what Adit said, the sea cucumbers did not have a disgusting texture, even very delicious to eat with hot rice and spices aunt Sri’s cooking. Seeing their response, Aunty Sri was proud that they like it, she even asked them to add as much rice as possible. 

Aunty Sri told them that this Sea Cucumber is quite expensive, this weird marine animals has a fantastic price, it can even reach millions of rupiah for a kg. Adit, Gilang and Sarah were shocked by the price mentioned by Aunty Sri, for this type of animal turned out to have a fairly expensive price and Aunty Sri still wanted to buy it. 

It turned out that the reason aunt Sri who wanted to buy this marine animal was because of the benefits contained in this Sea Cucumber. Sea cucumbers, which have a variety of nutritional content, can even prevent cancer and make the skin look young. Aunt Sri has been consuming this sea cucumber for quite a long time, it is only natural that her family is rarely affected by a serious illness, and the fact that Aunt Sri’s skin is radiant even though she lives in a coastal area. Sarah also searched for the nutritional content of sea cucumbers through Google, and indeed sea cucumbers contain various kinds of nutrients that are rarely owned by other marine animals. 

Aunty Sri really hopes that the city community should also taste these marine animal, seeing the number of young people who are susceptible to disease. Gilang want to help spread the sea cucumbers to the city, his father who worked in the blockchain-based supply chain technology so that it would be easier for fishermen to connect with consumers in the city. 

Ledgernow with blockchain-based technology provides facilities for sea cucumber fishermen to process sea cucumbers using modern technology that makes it more hygienic and easier. Sea cucumbers are processed properly will maintain the quality of the nutritional content of sea cucumbers which will be very good to consume. These good quality sea cucumbers will later be sold to consumers with the help of blockchain technology that makes it easy for consumers to order these quality sea cucumbers through LedgernowLedgernow helps maintain the quality of sea cucumbers properly to be accepted by consumers freshly. Delivery of goods uses a blockchain technology system where the data will be stored automatically and can be monitored in real-time with secure data security. Ledgernow supports the welfare of fishermen in developing the economy of Indonesian and the development of fishermen’s economy. Click the following link for more information on 

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Memancing sampah di lautan

Pak Jajang adalah seorang nelayan yang hidup di salah satu kampung pesisir di pulau Sulawesi. Ia mengadu nasib sebagai seorang nelayan untuk menghidupi anak-istrinya. Ia tinggal di kampung pesisir yang mayoritas masyarakatnya memang bekerja sebagai nelayan. Pak jajang merupakan nelayan pancing yang mencari ikan kerapu di laut yang berterumbu karang. Pak jajang memilih untuk memancing ikan kerapu karena nilai jual nya cukup tinggi. Ikan kerapu bisa dihargai hingga 130.000-150.000/kg nya. Itupun tergantung jenis-jenisnya lagi. Ada beberapa jenis kerapu yang bisa di bandrol dengan harga yang lebih tinggi. Desa ini memang terkenal memiliki banyak sekali jenis ikan kerapu yang hidup di dalamnya. Sehingga itulah yang membuat pak jajang bertahan dan sudah nyaman menjadi nelayan pancing kerapu, 3-5 ekor ikan yang ia dapat sudah sebanding dengan harga banyak ikan yang ia dapat menggunakan bubu. 

Setiap harinya pak Jajang pergi melaut selama 2 hari dan beristirahat di rumah selama 1 hari. Begitulah seterusnya kehidupan pak jajang sebagai seorang nelayan. Hari itu pak jajang pergi melaut seperti biasa dengan membawa pancingan, senter, umpan, dan persediaan makanan untuk dua hari selama ia di laut. Saat sampai di tengah laut ia mulai mengulurkan mata pancingnya dan umpan yang sudah ia persiapkan. Sembari ia menunggu umpannya dimakan oleh ikan ia mulai memutarkan radio. Langit sudah mulai redup dan matahari terlihat sudah mulai terbenam dan meninggalkan secercah cahaya yang semakin lama semakin hilang. Baru satu ikan yang berhasil ditangkap pak jajang. “ikan-ikan masih pada tidur siang kali yah” pikirnya dalam hati. Tidak lama ia menaikkan  mata pancingnya dan kagetnya ia bahwa ada kantong plastik yang menyangkut mata pancingnya. “wajar saja umpannya tidak kemakan, ternyata ada plastik ini yang menutupi” gerutu pak Jajang. Ia pun melepaskan plastik itu dari mata pancingnya. 

Beberapa bulan belakang pak Jajang memang sudah sering mendapatkan plastik yang menempel di mata pancingnya. Hal ini sudah membuatnya semakin terganggu karena itu menyebabkan semakin sedikit ikan yang ia bisa dapatkan. Tidak lama kemudian ia merasa pancingnya begitu berat, ia segera mengangkat pancingannya dan betapa kagetnya ia melihat ada sebongkah kaleng, kawat dan plastik-plastik yang nyangkut di mata pancingnya. lagi lagi ia menggerutu mengapa begitu banyak barang-barang tidak berguna ini di laut, yang menyebabkan ia kesulitan memancing dan mendapatkan ikan. Saat ia lepaskan kaleng itu tidak sengaja ia melihat kalengnya, tertulis ‘Pantai Manado’, tiba-tiba ia teringat dengan ikan kaleng yang dibawa saudaranya dari manado saat mampir ke rumahnya satu tahun yang lalu. Kalengnya terlihat sama persis dan ia berfikir apakah itu kaleng yang ia buang satu tahun lalu.

Saat pulang ke rumah pak Jajang membawa 2 ikan hasil pancingannya. Istrinya pun menanyakan kemana ikan yang lainnya, tiba-tiba pak Jajang menunjukkan tumpukan kaleng dan plastik-plastik yang ada di kapalnya sembari mengatakan “ikannya sudah berganti dengan sampah-sampah itu”. Dengan heran istri pak Jajang melihat sampah-sampah itu dan membuangnya ke tempat sampah. Sampah-sampah memang sedang berbagi ruang dengan makhluk di lautan. Bahkan tidak disangka kita bisa berjumpa lagi dengan sampah yang sudah kita buang bertahun-tahun yang lalu di lautan. Alhasil hal ini menyebabkan rusaknya ekosistem bawah laut. Terumbu karang yang menjadi habitat ikan-ikan terumbu menjadi rusak dan ikan mulai berpindah dan mencari tempat baru. Namun kemana mereka akan mendapatkan habitat yang baru jika seluruh lautan di Indonesia menunjukkan kondisi yang sama. 

Aplikasi nelayan dari Ledgernow akan turut membantu nelayan untuk dapat merubah pola pikir dan kebiasaan mereka agar dapat menjaga kekayaan laut mereka dengan menjaga kebersihan dan lingkungan. Sehingga ekosistem laut tidak terganggu dengan sampah-sampah yang mereka buang sembarangan. Selain itu nelayan juga akan disediakan kapal yang lebih besar sehingga nelayan dapat menangkap ikan yang lebih banyak. Untuk tau lebih lanjut mengenai Ledgernow bisa kunjungi link berikut

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Get To Know Sea Cucumbers

Today is Nadin’s birthday, as a good friend Sarah wants to make Nadin happy on his birthday by taking him to his favorite seafood restaurant. Then they go to a seafood place and choose their favorite menu, which is mussels. Sarah and Nadin are loyal customers at the seafood restaurant. At the beginning of each month they always choose to eat there just to appreciate themselves after a month of work. This makes Sarah and Nadin as customers with platinum members there that not everyone can get. 

At the time after choosing the menu, they were approached by chef Julian who offered a new menu which will be launched next month. They both gladly accepted the offer from the chef. However, how shocked they were when they saw the menu that came. The shape is not like fish, not like a shell, especially like squid. Nadin hestated to try it because of its shape looks like a large caterpillar. As the saying goes “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” maybe this also applies for this dish. Even though the physical form is look like worm-like, but the taste when eaten is extraordinary. It tastes the same as when eating sashimi. Although it is a bit ticklish because of its chewy texture, this dish is very delicious when combined with a sauce made by chef Julian. 

Confused and amazed at the same time felt by Sarah and Nadin after trying the menu, Sarah finally ventured to ask chef Julian who had just smiled when he saw them observing the menu. Sea cucumbers have their names, Chef Julian says. Elliptical, sea cucumbers are known as sea cucumber in English. This title arises because of its shape which is similar to cucumber. Usually, sea cucumbers are sold in two types namely dry sea cucumbers and wet sea cucumbers. The processing of sea cucumbers is also not easy, there are several steps that must be done so that sea cucumbers can be consumed especially when we buy dried sea cucumbers. Before processing into food, sea cucumbers must be soaked in water first so that the texture is softer. 

“Then, for the immersion process is it only using ordinary water chef?” Nadin asked. ” 

” Of course, this sea cucumber processing process must use water that is really clean, “replied chef Julian.

The process of sea cucumber processing requires quite long, in addition it also needs enough extra attention in maintaining sea cucumbers during the immersion process. The water used should not be mixed with oil, salt or anything. If this happens, it can damage the tastes of sea cucumbers. During the immersion process, the water must be replaced routinely and the duration of the immersion process is very dependent on the quality of sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers have a number of different qualities. If the sea cucumber has enlarged to double the size and has a soft and chewy texture, then the sea cucumber is ready to be processed.

Maybe it will be a little strange to most people when eating sea cucumbers. Just like Sarah and Nadin who just knew and understood the existence of food with sea cucumber raw materials. Out of curiosity they find out more about sea cucumbers. Who would have thought if sea cucumbers are quite popular abroad such as China, Singapore and Taiwan. Even Indonesia is considered as one of the biggest producers of sea cucumbers in the world because of the 650 species of sea cucumbers, 10% found in Indonesia is more interesting right?

Indonesia with its marine wealth and thousands of species that live in the sea is a gift to be thankful for. There are many species in the Indonesian sea which are not necessarily owned by other countries, one of which is sea cucumbers. This makes Indonesia has great potential, especially in terms of sea cucumber exports. However, behind it all, of course there is a struggle that must be done, especially the sea cucumber fishermen. The potential of sea cucumbers which are increasingly in demand will certainly increase the demand for sea cucumbers to the fishermen. Moreover, the price of sea cucumbers on the market can step on hundreds of thousands per kilogram and even per tail. It is conceivable that fishermen will surely improve their living standards.

But it is not as easy as imagined. Although the prices on the market are very expensive, but the fishermen get a fairly cheap price. This often happens because the quality of sea cucumbers produced is far from the expected quality. Naturally this happened because the fishermen were still traditionally processing sea cucumbers. Thus, consumers have difficulty getting sea cucumbers with good quality.

In improving the quality of sea cucumbers, Ledgernow helps provide convenience in maintaining the quality of sea cucumbers by using modern technology processing, so that sea cucumbers will continue to be maintained hygienic and contain properties. Sea cucumbers that have good quality will affect the price of sea cucumbers, which help sea cucumbers fishermen become more prosperous. In using the Ledgernow blockchain-based system helps fishermen, in the process of shipping sea cucumbers to consumers more effectively and reliably with data stored automatically and which can be tracked in realtime, so that consumers easily reach information on shipping goods.
Ledgernow together helps the welfare of fishermen in facilitating the process of selling sea cucumbers to consumers, with the ease of shipping and processing sea cucumbers. Quality sea cucumbers will provide a high price quantity. With the help of managing the sea cucumbers, this will be able to help raise the standard of living of the fishermen to be more developed. For more information, visit