Makanlah Bumbu-bumbuan Segar
Definisi bumbu adalah “sesuatu yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan rasa makanan.” Bumbu meliputi segala sesuatu mulai dari cuka hingga berbagai bumbu, rempah-rempah dan penyedap. Bahkan, kata bumbu berasal dari kata Latin condimentum (atau condire), yang berarti “membumbui.”
Apa bumbu yang paling umum, termasuk yang dianggap “sehat” dan yang tidak? Bukan jawaban yang mudah terutama bumbu hasil industri. Kita telah menyaksikan berita tentang bagaimana saus tomat dibuat tanpa tomate sama sekali atau hanya mengandung sebagian kecil saja.
PureHeart merekomendasikan untuk makan semua bumbu segar yang dapat dengan mudah diperoleh di mana saja di Indonesia. Segar berarti sehat dan tanpa bahan pengawet. Makan bumbu segar juga mengurangi kemasan platic yang berarti melestarikan lingkungan.
Eat Only Fresh Condiment
The definition of a condiment is “something used to enhance the flavor of food.” Condiments include everything from vinegars to various herbs, spices and seasonings. In fact, the word condiment comes from the Latin word condimentum (or condire), which means “to season.”
What are the most common condiments, including both those that are considered “healthy” and those that aren’t? Not an easy answer especially industrial condiments. We have watched the news about how tomato sauces is made without any tomates at all or just contain a very small portion of it.
PureHeart recommends to eat all the fresh condiments that easily obtained anywhere here in Indonesia. Fresh means healthy and without ady preservatives. Eating fresh condiments also reduce platic packaging that means preserve the environment.
More information:
Smart Foodie, Food Karma: https://pureheart.ledgernow.com/smart-foodie-food-karma/
Sustainable Giving: https://pureheart.ledgernow.com/sustainable-giving/