Stop Buang Sampah di Jalan
Anda sedang dalam perjalanan menuju kantor.
Anda selesai minum dari botol plastik, dan Anda buang saja botol kosong itu ke pinggir jalan raya tanpa merasa bersalah.
Anda selesai makan keripik, ke mana bungkusnya Anda buang? Di pinggir jalan saja.
Spanduk Larangan Buang Sampah Sembarangan Hanya Jadi Pajangan.
Apakah ini Bangsa Indonesia?
Setiap pagi petugas kebersihan setiap harinya membersihkan sampah pinggir jalan.
Apakah itu menjadi pembenaran untuk membuang sampah di pinggir jalan?
Sekali lagi …
Apakah ini Bangsa Indonesia?
Stop Road Rubbishing
You are on your way to the office.
You finish drinking from a plastic bottle, and you just throw the empty bottle to the edge of the highway without feeling guilty.
When you finish eating chips, where do you throw the wrapper? Just by the road.
Banners Prohibit Dispose of Garbage Just Become a Display.
Is this the Indonesian nation?
Every morning the cleaners clean the rubbish by the road.
Is that a justification for disposing of roadside garbage?
Once again …
Is this the Indonesian nation?
More information:
Smart Foodie, Food Karma: https://pureheart.ledgernow.com/smart-foodie-food-karma/
Sustainable Giving: https://pureheart.ledgernow.com/sustainable-giving/